Sonntag, 12. Januar 2014

Dessert with grapes and cookies

Hey everybody!

Today I'm gonna show you a dessert, which is easy, quick and yummy :)

It is a recipe from my aunt and she did it at Christmas Eve. The special feature of this recipe is that it is with grapes. As a result, the dessert is refreshing and light. And I like dessert more which are light. Another point, it is not so sweet, what I prefer.

For the preparation you need max. 15 minutes. The cost of this recipe amount to about 6,50€.


 Leave the dessert standing for two or three hours - the cream can be better distributed and it is even more delicious.


1kg grapes
250g whipping cream
250g mascarpone
250g curd
100g sugar
1 small package of vanilla sugar
2 packages of “american cookies”


First, you have to whisk the whipping cream until stiff. Then prepare a cream with cottage cheese, mascarpone and sugar and mix with the whipped cream.


The cookies crumble. Place in a large bowl half of the grapes. In spread half of the cream and then add half of the cookies on the cream. Then repeat everything again. Done :)

Do you also like desserts with fruits?

2 Kommentare:

  1. Hey Kristina!:)
    I am very interested in this recipe because I really love the combination of fruits and sweets! Especially the idea of having grapes in desserts sounds great! What I can recommend is a recipe of cherry muffins!:) It is very easy to make: You can use the muffin batter which you usually make and add cherrys to it. It is fine to use canned cherries because they are more juicy and the muffins will become very fluffy:).
    Tell me if you tried it out and if you liked it!:))
    I am looking forward to see more of your great baking recipes!

    1. Hey Leslie,
      that sounds great ;) I will try it. But another recipe with fruits is on my blog, the cake is also with cherries, maybe you like it ;)

      Love, Kristina
