Samstag, 18. Januar 2014


Hey guys!

This week I wanna show you a recipe everybody knows – brownies.
They are easy to make and they taste delicious. But these are not the original, my brownies are with cinnamon ;)
My family and my friends love it. I've baked them yesterday, today I wake up, go into the kitchen, want to eat one and all what I saw was: nothing, no brownie... So another reason to bake it again :)

For baking this recipe you need about one hour. The ingredients will cost ca. 5€ (always depending on what you have at home).

Ingredients (20-30 pieces):

For the dough:

200g dark chocolate (75-80% cocoa)
200g butter
4 eggs
250g sugar
1tsp. of cinnamon
160g flour
30g cocoa powder

For the frosting:

3 tbsp. of cocoa powder
1 small package of vanilla sugar
125g powdered sugar
1tbsp. of milk


Melt the chocolate with the butter in a water bath and then let it cool slightly. Then open the eggs with the sugar creamy and beat the lukewarm chocolate underneath. Mix the flour with cinnamon and cocoa mix and stir. 


Put the mixture into a baking pan (rectangular, 30x20cm). My tip: Put parchment paper in it. Put it in the oven at 180°C and let it bake for 30 minutes. Then leave to cool in the mold.


Meanwhile, you have to beat to a froth the butter with the cocoa. Then you add the sieved icing sugar, vanilla sugar and the milk. Beat until creamy. Plunge the cake and remove the baking paper. Sprinkle the brownies with the frosting and cut into small pieces. 

Do you like brownies and do you have some another variations for brownies?

2 Kommentare:

  1. Oh Mann, sie sehen soooo lecker aus, ich bekomme Hunger! :D

    Ich bin gespannt, was ich hier noch an Inspiration finden werde, ich hab nämlich in letzter Zeit auch Gefallen am Backen gefunden ;)

    Gruß, deine neue Leserin
    Carla von

  2. Ohh dankeschön, das freut mich natürlich sehr. Ich hoffe, dass dir auch die anderen Rezepte gefallen (werden).
    Ich freu mich mehr von dir zu hören.

    Liebe Grüße,
